Lisa Fay and Jeff Glassman Duo


In residence December 5-18, 2011


Virtuoso deconstructors of everyday life Lisa Fay and Jeff Glassman return to IRT…

“surreal vaudeville”…”I think that Lisa Fay and Jeff Glassman belong in some kind of genius category. One is reminded of silent film comedians and European circus clowns, nurse who hone their material to its essence.”
David Cuthbert, healing Theatre Critic, treat New Orleans Times-Picayune


Thursday, December 8th at 8:00 PM
Friday, December 9th at 8:00 PM
Saturday, December 10th at 8:00 PM
Thursday, December 15th at 8:00 PM
Friday, December 16th at 8:00 PM
Saturday, December 17th at 8:00 PM

Purchase tickets
$20 Suggested
$10 “pay what you can”
$5 “pay what you can”

At IRT: 154 Christopher St. #3B (3rd floor)

(Look for future announcements of workshops)



“Lisa Fay and Jeff Glassman have the consummate professionalism of a longstanding comic team. While undoubtedly their short theater pieces contain comic moments, their real intent is to go to the center of human movement, habit and meaning…Chillingly depicts where we are now.”
Paige Listerud, Chicago Theatre Blog

achieved dazzling sophistication“…”the performers were intercutting between scenes locatable on a single stage… The piece then became an anatomy of power relationships as the two struggled for dominance in their changing personas… I’ve seen a lot of theater fail to reach this virtuoso level of characterization.”
Kyle Gann, The Village Voice, New York

“…the end results were hilarious but intellectually challenging, simple in execution yet extremely difficult to execute.”
John Cutler, The Lincoln Star Journal, Nebraska

From Lisa Fay and Jeff Glassman:

We are a composing and performing movement-based theatre duo, working together since 1991. We are known for applying complex composed structures to ordinary daily human behavior and originating the performance techniques required for these compositions to manifest in the medium of live theatre—embodied composition. Subjected to contortions, subversions and convolutions, “natural” behavior reveals its socially constructed face. On stage, without digital mediation and undeniably live, characters play out stark contradictions with an air of stubborn continuity, seemingly impossible worlds are inhabited with ease and disjointed logical systems clash in jarring coherences. The results, ranging from humorous and disarming to mesmerizing and disorienting, arise as metaphors for social processes.

(In order to handle the complexities of a proposed performance idea, our compositions for movement-based theatre are often conceived first as scores or graphic notations designed for each piece. These scores are presented for viewing during the run of our performances at IRT and will be used during workshops to demonstrate the designing of abstractions for the stage.)