Archive Residency

2016- 2018 Resident Company
3B Development Series | Archive Residency
In Residence: 2016- 2018
New Ohio Theatre and IRT Theater are proud to announce that BUILT FOR COLLAPSE and ANECDOTA will join the Archive Residency in 2016 – 2018.
Since 2007, IRT Theater has served the downtown theater community by providing space, support and community for independent artists through its 3B Development Series. With the arrival of the New Ohio Theatre to the Archive Building in 2011, IRT has been blessed to have both a kindred spirit and philosophical forbearer move in right downstairs.
The Archive Residency offers two select independent theater companies a two year commitment of space, artistic support, and institutional continuity for the development and presentation of a new work. In other words, a home.
The residency includes two separate engagements in IRT’s 3B Development Series and a one-week presentation in New Ohio’s OBIE Award-winning Ice Factory summer festival. The residency culminates in the second year with a fully realized, four-week run in the New Ohio’s main season.
We’d love for you to celebrate with us and welcome them into the New Ohio community:
Sunday, December 11th, at New Ohio Theatre, from 7 – 9 PM.
Each company will receive financial, administrative, and artistic support for two years as they develop a new work from inception to World Premiere.
Join us for drinks, snacks, and mini performances from the artists.
WHERE: New Ohio Theatre
154 Christopher Street
Buzz #15 + Enter
WHEN: 7:00 PM Cocktails
7:30 PM Mini Performances
8:00 PM Mingle & Meet the Artists
HOW: The party is free! Reservations strongly encouraged. Click the button below or email us at rsvp@newohiotheatre.org
Led by Artistic Director Sanaz Ghajar, Built for Collapse builds multi-disciplinary work that challenges theatrical form, developing each project through a highly physical process inspired by found texts, visual art, and pop culture. They use their collective history (personal & cultural) to create a live collage of the world and a space of empathy and compassion for the future. They have developed works in New York with: BRIC Arts | Media House, Ars Nova, Three Legged Dog, HERE, Dixon Place, and New Ohio Theatre, among others. Internationally they have developed work in Prague, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, and Turkey. And this October, they will be featured in Prelude2016 at CUNY Grad Center.
Led by Erica Fae and Jill A. Samuels, anecdota is inspired by the (too) little-known (true) stories of women who dared to shape history. They are particularly close to our hearts as their production, Take What is Yours, about Alice Paul and the National Woman’s Party, inaugurated the New Ohio Theater when we moved to Christopher Street. The show transferred off-Bway to 59E59 Theaters, where it was a Critics’ Pick in The New York Times. Jill’s interdisciplinary work has appeared at over sixty festivals, venues, and sites. Erica’s feature film To Keep the Light is currently garnering critical praise on the indie film festival circuit.
This partnership between New Ohio and IRT will further establish the West Village’s Archive Building as one of the premier destinations for the development and presentation of NYC’s best and brightest theater makers.
The Archive Residency is by invitation only. The best way for us to get to know your work and for you to get to know our work is to be a part of IRT’s 3B Development Series and/or New Ohio’s Ice Factory and/or invite us to see productions of your work.